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Inject new momentum! Kazakhstan's largest clean energy power station officially starts construction
Keywords: clean energy, gas power station, gas generator set

At the place where the "the Belt and Road" initiative was initiated

Jointly contracted by China Electric Power Construction Corporation

Kazakhstan's largest clean energy power station

——Kazakhstan CHP2 Gas Power Plant EPC Project

Formally commence construction

It will effectively promote the development of clean energy in Kazakhstan

Add new momentum to China Kazakhstan cooperation

Recently, the largest clean energy power station in Kazakhstan, the CHP2 gas-fired power station EPC project in Kazakhstan, which was jointly led by Shandong Electric Power Construction Company, a subsidiary of China Electric Power Construction Corporation, and other units such as Hebei Institute, has officially started construction.

The project is located in the northwest of Almaty city and is the renovation project of Almaty No.2 Thermal Power Station. With a total installed capacity of 600 megawatts, it is the largest energy project under construction in Kazakhstan, responsible for providing power and heating for production and daily life in Almaty city.

After the project is put into operation, the pollutant emissions of Almaty No.2 Thermal Power Station will be reduced by about 90% compared to the old factory, which will have a positive and far-reaching impact on improving energy conservation and emission reduction benefits, improving the ecological environment, and promoting economic structural transformation in Kazakhstan.

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